Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Life Gets Busy

A few months ago, I started sharing my recipes and experiences about living allergen-free. Life had given me the time and space to do that. Then, as things always do, they change.

After an eight month period of being totally allergen-free, I decided to experiment with veganism. Fortunately, I am not allergic to tree nuts, which are a staple of vegan eating. Further, I’ve been incorporating raw foods into my diet.

These types of food preparation are quite different. They take a lot of planning and knowledge of different equipment. My energy is directed on acquiring these new skills. I am still cooking allergen-free and those recipes are posted on 8FoodAllergensFreeDelicious.com.

Recipes that include nuts can be found on Recicopeia as well as Vitamixerific.

I hope to be back soon with new blog posts. Until then...

Eat well and be well,
